Linux | Windows | Mac | Android | iOS |
Yes | Yes | Ask | Yes | Ask |
C/C++ | C# | Java | Javascript | OpenGL | PHP | Python | SQL | Visual Basic |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Purpose | Frameworks |
Computer vision | OpenCV, ... |
General purpose | Boost, ... |
UI Design | Qt Widgets, QtQuick, WxWidgets, ... |
Point cloud processing | Point Cloud Library (PCL), ... |
Numerical methods and data structures | Numpy-Scipy, Network-X, Pandas, ... |
Machine learning | Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, ... |
Visualisation | Matplotlib, Paraview, Vtk, VisPy, ... |
Image analysis | OpenCV, Pillow, Scikit-Image, ... |
Web development | Nodejs, Bootstrap, JQuery, React, Sematic-Ui, ... |
2D and 3D Graphics | D3js, Babylonjs, Cytoscape + Cytoscapejs, GLSL, ... |
Category | Tools |
Databasd | MS Access, Sqlite, MySql, ... |
Mapping | Mapbox, ... |
GIS | ArcMap/ArcGIS, QGis, Orfeotoolbox, Grass, Saga, ... |
Graphics 2D | GIMP, Inkscape, ... |
Graphics 3D | Blender, Autocad, ... |
Processing involves preparation of the data for either modeling or analysis. This includes data structuring, data conversion, point cloud processing, image processing, survey computations and so forth.
Services | Description |
Data structuring | Format conversion, ... |
Data conversion | Coordinate transformation, Reprojection, ... |
Image processing | Registration, Segmentation, Surface generation, ... |
Point cloud processing | Registration, Cleaning, Segmentation, Surface generation, ... |
Survey computations | Network adjustments, ... |
Training can be offered on a variety of topics as shown in the summary table above.
Photogrammetry | Remote Sensing | Image Analysis | Numerical
Methods | Classification and
Machine Learning | GIS | Programming |
Geometry of images, Bundle adjustment, 3D Reconstruction from images, DTM and Orthophoto generation, | Geometry of images,
Bundle adjustment, 3D Reconstruction from images, DTM and Orthophoto generation, | Pixel based image analysis, Object based image analysis | Algorithms,
Optimization, Least squares adjustment, QA/QC | Classical techniques,
Neural networks | Yes | C/C++, C#, Java, Javascript, OpenGL, Python, Visual Basic |
The range of spatial related problems is unlimited. Contact us today to find out how we can help you make decisions in a spatially aware world.